Monday, September 5, 2016

Moneymaker Mondays: Passive Income, Part 1

Check back each Monday to find fun, unusual, and easy ways to make money!
This is my first in my series of "Moneymaker Mondays" posts about passive income.

  So, today I want to talk about passive income.  What's that you say?  Well, it's money that you make without really having to do anything or think about.  Sound too good to be true?  Well, you just have to get creative!  

  Now, while there are several other ways to make "passive" income online- referrals in a multi-level marketing downline, apps like Shopkick, etc-- I would rather talk about ways to make money that are truly "set it and forget it".  I have a few favorite ways to get free money.  They are all methods that I have used, that I TRUST, and that I have actually earned money with.  This one is by far my very favorite!

Paypal Debit MasterCard

  Again: this one is by far my favorite source of free money!   Anyone with a Paypal account is able to apply for a Paypal Debit Mastercard.  It pays you 1% cash back on purchases.  It's very important to note: this is not a credit card.  You can apply for this card regardless of your credit score, and your use of it in no way effects your credit.  This is a debit card.  It works just like your Visa/Mastercard "check card" that your bank issues you to use for card transactions and ATM withdrawals.  The card is free and has zero fees.  Having and using this card costs you nothing.  

  How does it work?  Like I said, the card simply works like a bank card.  Only this one attaches to your Paypal account instead of your bank account.  When you make a transaction somewhere, you simply swipe your Paypal card just like you would any other, sign the receipt, and go.  The store sends the transaction to Paypal, and Paypal deducts the amount from your Paypal balance.

  Here's where it gets cool.  If you don't have any money (a balance) in your Paypal account, Paypal simply draws it from your "backup funding source".  This is whatever financial institution you used to sign up for Paypal.  So basically, I'm getting 1% cash back on my purchases for simply using my grey Paypal card instead of my bank's red one.  The money all comes from the same bank account, but by adding in Paypal as the middleman, I magically get 1% cash back when I use it.  The cash back arrives monthly in my Paypal account!  

  1% not sound like a lot?  IT IS.  Here's a quick screenshot of my Paypal Debit Card account page (with the obvious personal banking info and home address scribbled out).  I'm a little embarrassed that the screenshot has a tab open where I looked up "how to take a screenshot", but I'll get over it.

  It's just under $1200 I've earned so far just by switching which piece of plastic I swipe when I shop!  I usually average somewhere between $15-$20/month in cash back (about twice that during the Christmas season).  

  And I get zero bonus for sharing this one with you.  There's no referral program or "invite-a-friend" signup bonus.  I really am just this excited about this card!  Free money deposited into your Paypal account every month!  You just can't beat that!  Easy, free money!  Just set it and forget it!

Monday, August 22, 2016

First Post!

  I've created a lot of blogs, and I mean A LOT.  In fact, there was a time, when my kids were very small, that blogging is all I did.  I often juggled anywhere from 10-15 blogs at a time: blogs about organic household cleaning, knitting projects, everyday musings.  You name it, and at some point I've probably blogged about it.  Then my kids grew and I went back to working full time.  But I managed to always keep a handful of blogs up and running.  And don't even get me started on my social media addiction!

Now, in all of my vast blogging experience, one hurdle has always remained: the inevitable first blog post.  That insurmountable task of writing down and explaining, to total strangers,exactly what I am about, what I plan to blog about, what my life goals are, why I'm the one with the experience and know-how to be blogging about this, what I'm plaOH MY GOSH WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF AGAIN!?!?

It's awful.  But I will do my best to sum up myself and this blog as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Here goes:

My name is Emma.  I'm married, have two kids, and a 150lb Great Dane named Bentley.

I live in the greatest city in the world, Charleston.  (No, seriously.  We're the best!)

I make my living as a costume designer.

I'm cheap.  Like, REALLY cheap.  

I love saving money in interesting ways, making money in interesting ways, and creating things in weird ways.  

And that's about it!  Follow along on my adventures!  Hopefully you'll learn a few things, laugh at a few things, be inspired by a few things, and end the day with a little extra money in your pocket!  

All the best,
