I've created a lot of blogs, and I mean A LOT. In fact, there was a time, when my kids were very small, that blogging is all I did. I often juggled anywhere from 10-15 blogs at a time: blogs about organic household cleaning, knitting projects, everyday musings. You name it, and at some point I've probably blogged about it. Then my kids grew and I went back to working full time. But I managed to always keep a handful of blogs up and running. And don't even get me started on my social media addiction!
Now, in all of my vast blogging experience, one hurdle has always remained: the inevitable first blog post. That insurmountable task of writing down and explaining, to total strangers,exactly what I am about, what I plan to blog about, what my life goals are, why I'm the one with the experience and know-how to be blogging about this, what I'm plaOH MY GOSH WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF AGAIN!?!?
It's awful. But I will do my best to sum up myself and this blog as quickly and painlessly as possible. Here goes:
My name is Emma. I'm married, have two kids, and a 150lb Great Dane named Bentley.
I live in the greatest city in the world, Charleston. (No, seriously. We're the best!)
I make my living as a costume designer.
I'm cheap. Like, REALLY cheap.
I love saving money in interesting ways, making money in interesting ways, and creating things in weird ways.
And that's about it! Follow along on my adventures! Hopefully you'll learn a few things, laugh at a few things, be inspired by a few things, and end the day with a little extra money in your pocket!
All the best,